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Dan Clark-Swaine reviewed Be Fit - Paul Lever – 5 star

Cannot recommend Paul enough, throughly enjoy PT's and boot camp! Push you enough but know when to pull back which is great!

Gareth Griffiths reviewed Be Fit - Paul Lever – 5 star

Just wanted to say a big thank you to Paul. I got wet messy and muddy but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't feel left out as I was the "newbie" of the group, they made me feel very welcome and helped me throughout with words of encouragement as did Paul. Thanks again.

Sarah Boukari reviewed Be Fit - Paul Lever - 5 star

I have been having PT sessions with Paul for a while now. I did stop for a half way through for quite a few months whilst money was tight but have now got back on it. Even when I wasn’t having PT sessions Paul would send a text seeing how I was getting on. Since training again with Paul my Fitness level has come on leaps and bounds. And my extra stomach rolls have vanished! (I now feel the cold ) I am still not quite where I want to be but I know I will get there with the help and support Paul has given and continues to give.

I was once told by Paul in life it’s not the physical barriers that you have to battle with, it’s the mental barriers. When you think you can’t do something and doubt yourself it makes any task harder. He always says Just by pushing yourself the little bit more each time and believing you can do something it makes anything is possible. He is right you know!!

Paul has given me back the confidence I once lost and continues to do so. He cares for all his clients as if family! I look at Paul like a big brother figure who will always have your back when you need it. He is tough but very fair.

I train with Paul at Be fit as you get a unique service that no other fitness company or individual can give you. He is more than just a PT he is a friend, a brother from another mother, and a teacher. He generally wants to help you achieve your goals and push you to get there.

The rest is up to you really! What are you waiting for?


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